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Other Zombie Games

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Dead Island is cool :D


I have been playing Dead Space, and it is eerie! They have what they call necromorphs. People who got infected with alien DNA. I just got done pulverizing one with a pulse rifle.


Now that I got into Dead Space again, I restarted. I'm playing it again from the beginning. Met the necromorph called Slasher!

Dead Space has some nice reviews Poom!

DayZ this guy's strategy made sense :D  Also there's WarZ??  What's happening there?!
[but the 1p modelling  ::) ]


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on October 22, 2012, 07:26 ---Dead Space has some nice reviews Poom!

DayZ this guy's strategy made sense :D  Also there's WarZ??  What's happening there?!
[but the 1p modelling  ::) ]

--- End quote ---

DayZ is a mod for ArmaII: Combined Ops.
WarZ is like KFuZ a WIP standalone.


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