He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players  (Read 23475 times)

Tween Killer

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He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:56 »
There's a player who consistantly scores 2 and regulary 3 times more than top players with same or lower ping
I hit F1 to look at the profiles of all the people playing to see pings, playing times and scores
I see the top 4 players  with low similar pings (high 30's Low 40"s) with the same time and similar scores
One stands out, has 3 times the score of top players in same ping range (diff a couple of pts)
He's at 240 pts other top 3 high 80's with all things being equall and he's on the losing team......I say something doesn't look right
His name id is Frogger
Even other top players are starting to question how does he do it?
His scores are way beyond the curve of other top  players


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 10:50 »
Maybe he's played the game a few times before?

Frogger has been playing the game as long as me. He's a good player. Spectate him.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 11:35 by Piglet »


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2012, 12:04 »
he builds and breaks nodes and kills thats how to stack up points... Maybe if you played like he does you too could become a good player.. however if you think he cheats then Demorecs and screenshots could be posted right?


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2012, 14:22 »
Yeah i think he is a good player, and he isnt cheating.

Like Spitt said breaking and constructing nodes for more points ;D ;D

Also dont forgeting kills...


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2012, 19:28 »
There's a player who consistantly scores 2 and regulary 3 times more than top players with same or lower ping
I hit F1 to look at the profiles of all the people playing to see pings, playing times and scores
I see the top 4 players  with low similar pings (high 30's Low 40"s) with the same time and similar scores
One stands out, has 3 times the score of top players in same ping range (diff a couple of pts)
He's at 240 pts other top 3 high 80's with all things being equall and he's on the losing team......I say something doesn't look right
His name id is Frogger
Even other top players are starting to question how does he do it?
His scores are way beyond the curve of other top  players

I wrote this before there were any replies in the thread. I've had to wait for account approval before I could post it though. It turned out to be a little bit long, so go grab a  coffee first if you intend to wade through it. It's fortunate I can type quickly...

Well my ping certainly helps, and while pro gamers would undoubtedly find me a bit clumsy, i'm a fairly decent shot on public servers. My ping has actually dropped 20ms since the  recent server move and the effect is highly noticable - only a little lead needed when aiming at fast moving objects, if any at all. Twitch shots are now hitting their targets once  again.

What's interesting to me about your post Roberta is that you say something must be wrong, and yet you point to no reason? Something has to be wrong simply because I'm scoring too  much when others with low pings, who you consider good, aren't matching me? You spent quite some time spectating me yesterday, and made some strong accusations, couldn't you have  added a little more to this here?  ;D

I don't know how long you've been playing the game, but I think the problem likely stems from a simplistic attitude to gameplay. While you are chasing nodes and fighting anyone you  come across, I'm constantly trying to control a map. Spectate a little longer, make a few recordings and watch the games that you think are suspicious. What I hope you'll begin to  understand is how a combination of situational awareness, high work rate, adaptating to circumstances and prioritising can be devestating to an opposition, even if you're not the  best player. It always seems strange to me that when people accuse me of botting/cheating they're often totally oblivious to the work I'm doing. But if you don't recognise it, you  can't appreciate it. You and others seem focused on my accuracy when what you should really be looking at is my strategy and tactics.

Now on the surface it may seem as though i'm simply running to the nearest node as quickly as possible, fully loaded and with the best vehicle I can find. That certainly helps, but  the truth is there's so much more going on.

I'm thinking about where I last saw the oppositions raptors, mantas and tank. Were they damaged, how much of a threat are they? Have we captured any enemy vehicles? How many and  what type of vehicles do the opposition have left? Where are the oppositions strongest players? If I engage in a fight can I win? If not, where will my effort best be utilised?  Should I sacrifice myself? How long since the redeemer was picked up? Is the double damage ready? Where are my teammates located? Can I help them? Is it worth helping them? If I  get into trouble will anyone be there to help me? How strong is my team? How strong is the opposition?.....you get the idea, lots going on in the back of your mind.

And all of this and much more helps me almost instinctively decide on an offensive or defensive position. Where, when and how do I next attack. As a rather basic example, if  there's strong players on the opposition and no-one's attacked the centre node on Torlan for about 20 seconds, then a wave of trouble is likely to be coming. It's worth healing  your vehicle, grabbing weapons/health, and preparing for a fight rather than making a suicidal dash to charge the node. Let them grab it first, they can't hold it. Swoop in for  some easy kills while they're playing with their link guns. The raptor fires so quickly in berserk mode there's no time to think.

I'll also point out that each player has their own playing style which you eventualy pick up on. Campfire was one of the most unique in this respect, and I've enjoyed learning all  of his little hiding places :) I haven't actually played Raj that much, but he's different in using the more hidden ledge above Torlans centre node to cause trouble for those  below. Again I haven't played the porktologist too much, but know if he's on the opposition he's extremely strong and equally capable of controling a map. I feel a bit as though  I'm going up against myself when I play him. So I have to be more reserved in how I approach each node and when I can chance taking him on. I learn, adapt, anticipate and try to  control. Please don't be too offended by this Roberta, but players such as yourself which account for the majority on the server, are simply cannon fodder. You're an average  player, with the added disadvantage of a higher ping. Try attacking me with a group, sneaking up behind me, or do some strafing runs. It's never going to be easy for you though.

Incidentally, who are you actualy considering the top players who are starting to question me? Most complaints appear to come from mediocre to poor players, often with high pings.

Now onto the really big scores and score/min, which seems to be what concerns you. It's all about the nodes baby! Destroying them, charging them...You can even have more deaths  than kills and be right at the very top of the leaderboard. And if you can survive repeated attacks on a node while continually topping it up, your score quickly climbs. Every time the enemy chips away at your node it's like giving you points. And when I've put you down once again, i'm sifting through your remains for your link gun to charge it up. You may notice me often grabbing the hellbender when we have control of the final node, and  sniping from the centre. This is a horrible way to score and my score/min drops quickly when I do this. It's just so much damn fun that I can't resist it though, but if you want to  keep scoring you stay defending that last node.

In all honesty the biggest threat to increasing your score is having another strong node builder on your team. You want to know why I had such a big score while on a losing team? I  was runing around like crazy building/repairing/destroying nodes, work no one else was doing, to try to keep us in the game. The best I could hope from my teammates was that they  kept the opposition busy enough to buy me some time, and I could pick off enemy already engaged in a fights. It wasn't enough. Rookies want to fight, not build nodes. But they  don't fight too well either. So good for helping me build a big score, but bad for winning. And I'd much rather win. Ironically my score doesn't interest me too much. An hour long,  hard fought game, going back and forth, until one team works their balls off to snatch victory is where the real pleasure is. Win or lose.

I do miss a lot of chatter on the server(if I don't answer anyone I'm not ignoring you, honestly). I'm usually just very focused on what I'm doing. From what I did catch, you  accused me of using a speed hack. You also couldn't understand how I could type and use the link gun simultateously(Boogie-FR found this strange too, and while not expanding said he was  noticing a lot of strange things from me  ???). And you later ominously told me 'your day is coming'  :D  Boogie-FR also accused me of using a bot. He didn't insult me, just said it was  his opinion. He's wrong, but I still felt a little sorry for his obvious frustration. It's no fun feeling the decks been unfairly stacked. I think he pretty much gave up trying in some of  the later games.

For his benefit and the few people who can manage to be respectful, all I can say is that I do not use any third party application or exploits to help in any way. I don't need to  O:-) Just a demo install, a couple of .ini tweeks, some stuttering which I haven't yet found a way to fix (nvidia drivers I think), and a glass of whisky at my side.

So onto my final point. I'm not an admin here and cannot ban myself. Complaining to me while I'm playing won't help you. What you need to do is make a recording of any suspicious  activity and bring it to the attention of an admin. Or otherwise ask an admin to observe me on the server. To their credit they make it extremely easy to contact them, an automated  link to their email address often pops up while playing. I'm sure no one will mind you posting a recording on the forum if you'd like more public commentary. The ability to  prove your suspicion is there, so please use it. Roberta, you spectated me long enough last night and had ample opportunity to do this. The next time you say something doesn't look  right, consider backing it up with a little more than wild speculation.



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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2012, 20:18 »
I haven't played the porktologist too much, but know if he's on the opposition he's extremely strong and equally capable of controling a map. I feel a bit as though  I'm going up against myself when I play him. So I have to be more reserved in how I approach each node and when I can chance taking him on.

If you're the Zoundman Frogger, you have >:D. I'm otherwise known as Piglet.T32A.  Ex regular of Cain's Lair playing across the pond and being one of the pretty good players there even when playing at 120ping. At 120 ping you get to learn strategy as you can't compete on ping; then on to admin Titan 32 player ONS, vCTF, and Freon servers when they were set up - playing at same-continent ping and realising that you don't need to lead and anticipate player movements....you just shoot where they really look like they're going.   

With a mouse sensitivity of 7cm per 360 degree of movement (some say this is insanely high sensitivity) & having played on the majority of days since the demo first came out I'm frequently accused of botting. I recognise a lot of what you put in your post. UT's more like chess than boxing. Many people never work this out.

I warn up and cool down here before playing Freon of an evening. If you want a bit of a challenge for your aiming and movement then pop on over there and join in the fun. Beware - there are some good players there most evening.

I still hate zounds though  :)


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 20:20 »

all u wrote is simply truuuu ............at 1st when i saw frogger i cried he was a bot......and for most of the time i play with him till now.... i thought he is a bot...................even after reading all he wrote

..............................but my ping is tooo high .... and the game is very slow for me ... but for frogger....The game is very fast the ping he has is like 28-29 - 30

for me its 280 - 300 - 340 :))

frogger is an awesome player but with his low ping he will always remain like that for me and players like roberta ...booger--fr......and all......:P


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2012, 20:43 »
I know, I'm a bad player, aren't I?

No, but really, Frogger is a good player, he's never used bots or anything. All it really takes is a little some lots shit-tons of practice.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2012, 20:53 »
I haven't played the porktologist too much, but know if he's on the opposition he's extremely strong and equally capable of controling a map. I feel a bit as though  I'm going up against myself when I play him. So I have to be more reserved in how I approach each node and when I can chance taking him on.

If you're the Zoundman Frogger, you have >:D. I'm otherwise known as Piglet.T32A.  Ex regular of Cain's Lair playing across the pond and being one of the pretty good players there even when playing at 120ping. At 120 ping you get to learn strategy as you can't compete on ping; then on to admin Titan 32 player ONS, vCTF, and Freon servers when they were set up - playing at same-continent ping and realising that you don't need to lead and anticipate player movements....you just shoot where they really look like they're going.   

With a mouse sensitivity of 7cm per 360 degree of movement (some say this is insanely high sensitivity) & having played on the majority of days since the demo first came out I'm frequently accused of botting. I recognise a lot of what you put in your post. UT's more like chess than boxing. Many people never work this out.

I warn up and cool down here before playing Freon of an evening. If you want a bit of a challenge for your aiming and movement then pop on over there and join in the fun. Beware - there are some good players there most evening.

I still hate zounds though  :)

Except that Frogger (previously known as Stomper?) doesn't even have the full version and thereby I classify him as suspicious.

Tween Killer

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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2012, 21:11 »
I just wanted to ask a simple question and not ask or accuse anybody of anything
Thats it


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2012, 21:49 »
Except that Frogger (previously known as Stomper?) doesn't even have the full version and thereby I classify him as suspicious.

me too


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2012, 22:14 »
Either way, we can't really do anything without proof.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: He gets 2-3 times higher score then top players
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2012, 23:49 »
If you're the Zoundman Frogger, you have  >:D . I'm otherwise known as Piglet.T32A. Ex regular of Cain's Lair playing across the pond

I'm not, but certainly if you were there in the first three years of UT2004 we'd have spent a good bit of time  shooting at each other. I do remember Cain's Lair, and there were good guys on there. But getting spanked by the  yanks because of my high ping, when I could play on servers closer to home, never appealed. And besides, I was  paying a small fortune for an ISDN line at the time which I wanted to take full advantage of  :)

I remember the server browser being relatively busy with populated servers up until 2005/2006. This is when I  guess things died down a little so I moved on. I actually only installed UT2004 again for the first time a few months  ago for a bit of reminiscing. I didn't expect to stay with it for long, and probably wouldn't had it not been  for the beserk mod. The overall pace of the game really appeals to me and surprisingly the experience still  feels quite fresh. Strange that we've had nothing to really take over from what UT2004 was doing such a long  time ago. UT3 doesn't really count. You must really love the game to have stuck with it for so long!

& having played on the majority of days since the demo first came out I'm frequently accused of botting.

I've been playing competitively online since the days of Duke3D, and for me it was with quake2 that the bots  truly arrived. Almost overnight you went from being complimented on a great shot to be accused of botting. After  all these years the accusations are so damn trite that I can't muster up any care. It's just the nature of  online gaming. Good players get lumped together with the cheats until they build a reputation. And even then...

I recognise a lot of what you put in your post. UT's more like chess than boxing. Many people never work this out.

I think that's a really good way of putting it. I wish I'd though of it, I could have saved myself a lot of typing  :D

If you want a bit of a challenge for your aiming and movement then pop on over there and join in the fun.

Thanks for the heads up, i'll take a look some time :)

..............................but my ping is tooo high .... and the game is very slow for me ...

You'll notice I talk about the improvements to my game with a drop of ping from 50 to 30. You're currently  hitting a score/min of 4 with a ping of around 280. And they consider me suspicious  :P Could I do what you're  doing? I really don't know but It's got to take some thinking about.  Very impressive how you're compensating so well for such a high ping.

Part of me would really like to see what you and Rafator could achieve with low two digit pings. The other part  is relieved I don't have to.  ;)

Except that Frogger (previously known as Stomper?) ...

I think I may have gone through even more names than that before settling on a new one, although maybe not on themiasma.

...doesn't even have the full version and thereby I classify him as suspicious.

As I've said to you before Raj, I'm not too concerned about being seen as suspicious by you or anyone else. I'm  an honest gamer and in my mind should never have anything to fear. I suspect there's quite a few copies of  UT2004 somewhere in my storage, as they gave them away with so many videocards a few years ago. But I don't feel  the need to go hunting around for one. The demo does everything I need.

It's interesting though. In many years of gaming I've only ever been banned from your server, and this was three  pre-emptive bans on the basis of suspicion alone. Not a policy I like, as the server didn't feel particularly  welcoming. But I understand the problems you face and the rules are yours to make.

I just wanted to ask a simple question and not ask or accuse anybody of anything

Great, let's get back to shooting each other.