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A great night on Miasma
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A great night on Miasma (
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Posts: 19
A great night on Miasma
February 06, 2013, 09:05 »
Hi guys !
Just wanted to say i had one of the funnest nights the other day while playing, everyone was great to talk to and there was not an ounce of rage about! Thank you to all who participate in this friendly community, especially the likes of BOBI_BOBA, 4PEX, Best_Noob_Ever, Centaur, Anal_Fury and countless others whom i'm sorry to have left out
the amount of time i have joined this server and actually had a great game is endless now. I feel like a part of the community now having met and gotten to know so many of you. I can only look forward to more great games and more great conversations with you all. I definitely do not take this game as seriously as some people do and greatly appreciate the fact that i can pretty much do what i want to do in the match without being hounded by the nice ppl playing whom, at times, can obviously see that i should be contributing more to the team. Peace and love to all who fit in this category of great people! cause we are real people playing this game NOT ROBOTS, so we all must eat!
On a sad side note i came on today and was constantly harrassed for over an hour and a half by a person named BIG_BABY, wow, what a persistent fellow he is, my player Xans_Mother had everything thrown at her by this player turned spec rager including telling me he was gonna rape my daughter! tween_killer joined in the middle of all this and must have concluded that there was nothing he could have done at the time because nothing was said after mentioning his spec raging. A warning to the both of us would suffice cause after tween left the harrasment did not stop for another hour. most of what i wrote to him is as follows.. "ok baby you can calm down now" i think this was enraging him alot more though. I tried your option of ignore speech and ignore text and these simply did not work at all.
Anyway, this 1 out of how many thousand people playing miasma servers will never ruin the feel and ambience of this great community, so thanks again guys for being you
Feel free to edit anything you like out of this post RAJ, also a big congrats to yourself.
Tween Killer
Posts: 255
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #1 on:
February 06, 2013, 11:26 »
Glad to see your night here was somewhat enjoyable
Joining during a mid game verbal assault between players is always tough call because I don't witness the full story unfold
It turns into he said she said but that one comment went to far as gameplay banter is concerned
Unfortunately people change their behavior when they know an admin is present an revert back when we leave
One troublemaker is one to many and I keep an eye on him in the future
Hope to see you back soon for an even better time
Sr. Member
Posts: 214
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #2 on:
February 06, 2013, 13:25 »
Always nice to play around with people like you
see ya around
Posts: 1274
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #3 on:
February 06, 2013, 17:03 »
Thanks. I was already prepared for lag complaints and threats, but looks like you are serious.
Did Tween note the IP? I found someone with an alias "bigbaby" and banned his IP range, he already had 2 bans in that range.
He's also known as ACC-BingoXEdge, an american. He's quite old so it's strange...
Tween Killer
Posts: 255
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #4 on:
February 06, 2013, 19:21 »
I missed it but he comes here late nite (EST) and I'll get it then
No problem
Posts: 19
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #5 on:
February 09, 2013, 00:27 »
Thanks guys! well i gotta expect to have a high ping being so far from the server, i just like to remind people sometimes
Posts: 1274
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #6 on:
February 09, 2013, 00:40 »
How high is the ping for you? We don't get much oceanic traffic so I'm wondering
Posts: 19
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #7 on:
February 09, 2013, 01:19 »
usually its 320+. The lowest i've ever had was a stable 300 with a connection i had in another house i lived in. Now I have moved and am getting a new service put on that will be the fastest i've ever had, so it will be interesting if it goes lower than 300. i don't expect it will go down lower than 300 as a general rule ping is the time it takes to cover that distance so a fast connection theoretically will not improve ping dramatically.
oh and also i will finally have enough internet to download your zombies pack
although I've been so preoccupied by Black ops 2 Zombies, i get a little bored of it now and will enjoy another zombie experience
Posts: 1274
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #8 on:
February 09, 2013, 17:22 »
Faster connection has always improved my ping, hopefully it'll get better for you
Sr. Member
Posts: 214
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #9 on:
February 09, 2013, 17:46 »
high speed connection yeah.... but i think the place from where you connect to the server location, does matters alot. if you live in eu and you connect in eu servers you'll normally hav e ping under100, but if connecting to usa you'll have ping over 100-150 D:
Posts: 602
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #10 on:
February 09, 2013, 19:49 »
ye because the link between western europe and america has bigger capacities than link between europe and eastern countrie like russia, india, etc etc... That 's why west americans have ping under 150 ( ex paris/ san francisco =9000 km ; paris/new delhi =6600 km)
underwater optical fiber, fewer hops are making the difference.
Sr. Member
Posts: 214
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #11 on:
February 09, 2013, 20:01 »
Au to Eu D:
Posts: 19
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #12 on:
February 10, 2013, 02:31 »
yeah you are all correct, if the bandwidth and download speeds are increased then the theory goes that because Australia is already so slow with its connections across the world then ping can only improve. As a general rule of thumb, the ping rate cannot go any further than a certain point because ping is simply how long it takes to send a packet of data then recieve it. So ping will not necessarily change a dramatic amount, but some nonetheless is better than none :-)
Posts: 19
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #13 on:
February 13, 2013, 12:31 »
288 Ping is the stable number for me now
not great but better nonetheless
Posts: 1274
Re: A great night on Miasma
Reply #14 on:
February 13, 2013, 21:41 »
Interesting how humans have wired the whole planet.
Here's a more interactive map:
Different ISPs might have more suitable routing.
There's also proxy kind of services that can offer you better routing, like this:
(just a random example, dunno how legitemate they are).
It's common sense no miracles can happen though
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