VCTF v/s ONS?  (Read 12019 times)


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« on: February 05, 2014, 09:16 »
This is the only server running VCTF-Faceclassic + Its Demo and many people play in it , Can VCTF takeover ONS ?

75% is VCTF nowadays (Everyone likes it)
25% is Ons :( (Sad but True)

But i also prefer playing VCTF  :P
Primeval already got beaten up  :D

Is it possible that VCTF in next 2-3 years can match up / Beat Torlan ?  ^-^

Torlan would be running from day one in this server...
Not Faceclassic (I guess it even didn't complete one year)

There are now people who like to join WARFARE just to play VCTF (Mainly CTF players come on , example - king etc)
These votes show how VCTF is growing day by day...

And there are people who just wait for VCTF or VOTE and go spec (ME)  :D

So what you guys think , Possible?  ;)

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