Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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We tried the "100 health given to frozen teammates = a thaw, 50 health to thawed teammates = a reward, every other reward is a bit bigger, partial thaws all count" for a map. The logic seemed to work well but probably needs tweaking on rewards. Still, interesting to see it working on a server of players rather than just on a test server.

The setting will go back off on next map change.

Changes today:

1. Resurrectee now gets the necro-effect on being res'd. Server side configurable for thawer/thawee/both/none - but currently set to just the thawee for now.

2. If you can't use an adrenaline pickup you now can't pick it up (brings functionality into line with existing health and shield pickups)

3. If you can't use a pickup you get a low "duh" sound, and a message in the bottom of your screen telling you that you can't pick up more health/shield/adren.

Can't pick up health or shield after end of round.


1. Configurable option for res to be in-place or teleport then res. The original logic used the Freon & thaw setting for "teleport on thaw"....but reversed so it always did the opposite of a normal thaw action.

2. Now counts partial thaws, and rewards you points, adren, and ammo every 50 health given. If you turn up at 99% you don't get a the same reward as the player that thawed from 0%. Configurable to use this or old logic.

Changes: Thaw ammo reward.

Old logic: one berserk unit of ammo added to the held gun each reward time, up to the maximum level the gun could hold.

New logic: one berserk unit of ammo added to the held gun each reward time, if the pre-reward ammo level is less than the server configuration starting ammo level.

However, if the pre-reward ammo level of the held gun is not less than the starting ammo, then it will look through all the guns you have and reward you with ammo in the gun with the lowest percentage ammo from the starting level.

This logic allows you to restock an entirely empty gun, which wasn't otherwise possible. The trade-off is that you can't accumulate ammo way more than the starting level.

Configurable old or new logic from the webadmin


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