Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon bugs and issues to look at....

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yep - the part that balances team numbers - I think there's a server setting or other setting that makes that happen anyway (at least I've only seen the problem happen on core)

Is there? I don't know that one...which is why we have the external balancer

I think the autobalancer is not quite right,. at least I think this is happening

so logic is player over 'n' ppr joins and the autobalance gets called - that's fine

however the definition of 'join' - it seems to be taking into account the players joining in spec - so even on a full server when specs join it calls the balancer - even though the in game players is the same

Ah - yes. I didn't think of that. Can you spot where to make the check better than where it is now?


I'll copy the test from function LoadPlayerDataStats() to function BecomeActivePlayer() - and then add in "if( !PlayerReplicationInfo.bOnlySpectator && ..." to the test in the LoadPlayerDataStats()

That should not trigger in the first place if stats arrive when spectating, and trigger if player moves to player from spec.

Would it be possible to shorten the end of round delay and increase the start of round delay to compensate? seems difficult to determine when the last player is killed and the round is over as the end of round announcement takes a while and with the player count being so high it’s not always obvious that the last player is dead.

It’s a small thing but I find I end up running around for longer than I should at the end of the round which leaves less time relaxing my poor old hands :D


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