Server discussion  (Read 51838 times)


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Server discussion
« on: November 09, 2019, 15:20 »
So...what do you all think about how the gameplay feels on the test server we're currently running Warfare on, compared to a week ago?

The server costs about twice the monthly amount for significantly smoother gameplay. It has more cores so we could potentially run more servers than we currently do.

If you prefer it, are you willing to help donate a little more for it to stay running?

If you'd be willing to help by setting up a regular Euro donation of even a few Euro a month through the donation link To help keep running whichever server option we decide upon that would be even more appreciated.

We are still exploring other options - but your input to the discussion and experience on the servers' gameplay feeling would be really useful.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 15:59 by Piglet »


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2019, 16:48 »
The server runs way better than the previous one. We just need to find the perfect tickrate setting for the right amount of players.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 16:56 by Piglet »


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2019, 18:51 »
I love this server much more, then the populated one. Cant u make it so, that people redirect to that ip and port? so they can test the server under 'force'?


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2019, 19:16 »
This is the only one running ONS & vCTF (Warfare) isn't it?

We got up to 30 people by stealing 16 players from Freon the other day :)


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2019, 11:39 »

During the game on the new server, I did not notice lags as it was before. In General, the game on this server I like a lot more. And since we now have more performance, add more spectator slots please.

Piglet, add more ways to donate, because using paypal is a pain for me. I can not even choose Russia in the drop-down list when paying because such a country is not there.


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2019, 12:11 »
Hi Timon,

What other route would work for you? We don't currently have a bank account set up for Miasma, but I could potentially look at doing that.

We currently have a Paypal account which can be used for anything we need, and a NFOservers donation account we can only spend for NFOservers hosting (the VPS that currently has the Freon and iCTF servers - and up till last week had the Warfare server.


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2019, 11:45 »
I wanted to say that i appreciate the new server much more
And i was wondering if it was possible to see a kind of counter showing money engeged and money needed ?


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2019, 12:34 »
Hmmm - I'm not sure I have the skills to do that systematically, but I could keep things up to date manually.

The existing setup was this site which has the server monitors & forum (paid for in $), and the VPS which hit 100% cpu on large player number (paid in $ quarterly).

We'll need to keep this site, but have the option of the new server or the VPS in the future.

We do have some funds in the VPS account which we can only use for that. I forgot to cancel my donations to if someone's willing to trade real money for a transfer of funds on Nfoservers account that would be nice...

For this server the charges are in Euros and if we're allowed to keep the server (we're finding out) we can either pay monthly or yearly. Paying yearly saves  €36 over the monthly cost.

The current state of the coffers are that we need a little over €120 more to pay for the server for a whole year in one lump and then start saving for next year's bill, or we can pay monthly for a few months with what we have while saving for the next monthly bill.


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2019, 16:33 »
i love, really LOVE new server, no laggy, less ping, and im willing to colaborate, let the credit card i borrow be unblocked in december and i can transfer some pennies! :*


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2019, 17:24 »
Hmmm - I'm not sure I have the skills to do that systematically, but I could keep things up to date manually.

The existing setup was this site which has the server monitors & forum (paid for in $), and the VPS which hit 100% cpu on large player number (paid in $ quarterly).

We'll need to keep this site, but have the option of the new server or the VPS in the future.

We do have some funds in the VPS account which we can only use for that. I forgot to cancel my donations to if someone's willing to trade real money for a transfer of funds on Nfoservers account that would be nice...

For this server the charges are in Euros and if we're allowed to keep the server (we're finding out) we can either pay monthly or yearly. Paying yearly saves  €36 over the monthly cost.

The current state of the coffers are that we need a little over €120 more to pay for the server for a whole year in one lump and then start saving for next year's bill, or we can pay monthly for a few months with what we have while saving for the next monthly bill.
per 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. ^-^


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2019, 13:54 »
Right. I didn't have all the information when I posted above. The costs were for co-location and after buying a physical server like the one we're testing on.

To keep renting the server we're using would be 157 EUR/month! Nardaq_NL very kindly paid for this test. Thank you.

To buy a similar server would cost upwards of 1,500 EUR and then hosting and maintenance costs on top.

I've got a call back with a local data-centre owner about hosting and possible hardware, a conversation with specialist server company about what they might be able to sell me, a conversation with Nardaq_NL about hardware he might be willing to buy and possible co-location near him.

While we follow through the various different options it would be useful to know who would be willing to regularly donate to help pay for the hosting of a server if we bought one, and who would also be willing to help with the initial purchase. More people donating small amounts every month might make all the difference.

The alternative option is to revert back to the old server and accept that it will be laggy at high player numbers...but is cheaper to run.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 13:56 by Piglet »


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2019, 12:16 »

Hell was away for 2 months on work trip and I missed all this interesting stuff going on. As you know I run my own business and with the brexit and other stuff, my cash is stuck in the business and sales are not going good. BUT, all this should change next year and I will be most willing to dole out small amounts whenever I can and more when the business starts flying ;)

Would it help if we had a small site running a donation counter and donation mechanism? If I get free time,  I can try setting up a test and if everything goes ok, I can show you what I propose. But I cannot give an ETA since my business is going through some rough weather and I need to plan on a weekly basis lol.

The idea is to use a CMS + plugins to setup a donation mechanism using stripe or other gateways. People can give monthly automatically or when they want. It can be all private to ensure this is a community thing.

Making this setup is a few hours of time and most of us tech savvy people can do it fast. Let me know if it sounds interesting ;)



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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2019, 12:43 »
It's not my area of knowledge, so don't know enough to comment.

I'm lucky enough to have some cash left at the end of each month.

What is your business, if you're willing to tell us about it?

I only have met one person in the last 3 years who has told me that they want to leave the European union. I asked them why but they couldn't tell me more than vague "we want control". They couldn't tell me what control they thought we didn't have or why it would be beneficial.

The more I know - and I keep myself informed - the more it appears that Brexit is bad for everyone except people hoping to make a killing as stock markets or currencies lose value (they're "shorting"). I can't see any benefit to me or my children in any of this. The press in the UK supporting brexit seems to be controlled by very rich people who wouldn't be remotely affected.


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2019, 17:39 »

I will make a small test site and send u the link to check it out and if you like it , you will have to FTP the files in an empty directory and I can maintain it ;) I will let u know once I get some time to set it up. I know the tech to set this up.

Long term: I am doing research into poverty and how tech can solve it.
Day Job: I run a small marketplace. UK was a good market and UK vendors were good too. With brexit, ahem!
Other job: I am innovative and I have a ton of stuff like apps etc to make and hope 1 day I can buy you all a good gaming server lol.

Brexit was all about controlling your borders from EU immigrants who were taking small time UK jobs? Everyone played their cards wrong and this is costing small businesses a LOT OF money. Right now I am planning expansion into EU and Asia. But as you see, UK pound was good business as it was so strong. Little sales can make good cash.

Now running costs are piling and sales are down! But I am launching hopefully multiple stuff next year :)

I am all about being free. A 9-5  job was never my way :D

« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 17:49 by hellfire »


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Re: So...what do you think of the new server? Keep it or not?
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2019, 19:46 »
I wish you well in that. I hope we bin Brexit. I work with men and women from all around the world, and they're great people.  I wouldn't have it any other way.