Petition to either fix the bender glitch on Lakovost or ban people who abuse it  (Read 52422 times)


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How you have the audacity to still fight your case is beyond me. Getting angry like a thief who got caught red handed and now he's angry at the guy who reported this. Can you stoop even lower?

Ye, and I thought that they were really good gamers  :'(
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Not the point, but the proper way to counter it is to knock it down as I have stressed it several times, what I find amusing though is how you are trying to draw a comparison between me finding a game mechanic and utilizing it and a guy installing cheats, going online and attempting to use them in a live match. That’s quite a stretch, even from you. I was in the wrong, yes, but it’s not cheating by any means, it’s a fault in the map’s design, and you are overexaggerating.
And yes, if you make other posts I will have the aUdAciTy to answer you, even though there was no point continuing this thread in the first place, as you’ve got what you were weeping for.


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Those botters found a way to exploit the game too. There's not a lot of difference.


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How is map makers inability to not place invisible walls same as ppl using aim bot? I would maybe undestand if we talk about using translocator to teleport between ground and object like flat stairs (wall u walk up, no idea what to call it)and push your self underground but thats still in the end map makers problem as it has been fixed in alot of invasion servers that have normal ut maps and custom. Is head glitch exploit too then as i would think thats not intented way to abuse obstacles to hide behind them. I would not call using external software or code to get aim bot  same as using ingame collision physics to your advantage. Is manta caps way to play ctf as the game says u cant drive manta or raptor with flag. So goind on the wind or top of raptor is exploit that i would like to see removed from vctf.


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Those botters found a way to exploit the game too. There's not a lot of difference.
I see your point, but I don’t believe it’s fair to mention using cheats and making use of an existing game mechanic - that only applies to one map and has been there for years- on the same level. Hypothetically, if someone used a software to improve their aim drastically, that person would gain an advantage over everyone on all maps and the players could do nothing about it. In my case, although I did have an advantage by placing the bender in a specific spot, I still had to use my own skills to hit the targets and it was very much possible for the other team to kill me, as it would only take a single shot to push the bender into the void, given that the spot is on the edge of the map. Whether people knew or did not know about that is another question.

I understand why this method is problematic and I will not do it again, but similarly to Kuha, I’d argue it’s not the same thing as using aimbot. Given that Lakovost++ has serious flaws in its design, one solution could be to remove it from the map rotation for the sake of peace ^^
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 18:34 by TheEnder »


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LOL...Next time duke, you have me on discord. Just send me a text and ask me to take out anyone giving you a rough time :D I will gladly help you :)

Btw, I understand the frustration about this since it can maKe people mad when trying to win desperately. I think the last time ender did this on me, I just went up and pushed him down. Repeated 3 times and he went on to do better things :D

Also, if their top player is busy doing that, then maybe that is an opportunity. Eg: Hell with his bike in Afghanistan vs hell trying to snipe like ender. 

Anyway, don't  lose your mind over 1 game. I know this map is your kingdom :D


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Hell_Fire to the rescue lol

But man this isn't just one game, it started as a one off and then pretty much 80% of the last games on lakovost there was someone abusing this glitch, it's really frustrating to play against and really unfair if someone from your team abuses it too. I had to use invisibility, go through entire defence alone plus do some dancing on the floor to cap and not get shot down. We somehow managed to get to 2-0, but the second the opposite team realized there was no defence needed the entire team jumped on our flag with zero pressure and we eventually lost.

It's one thing to be creative like using the berserk jump in facingass, which obviously requires skill, but this to me is flat out cheating. Even if it wasn't it completely ruins the map.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 22:43 by duke »


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I'll just keep posting these as we go. Butthurt over being caught red-handed while cheating in an 18-year old game and instead of acknowledging what you did and apologizing you're STILL trying to spin this around like it's my fault. Keep 'em coming, I'm taking zero of your crap. Let the whole community see how pathetic and petty you are:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 16:42 by duke »


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Well, if you are gonna play the victim card anytime I say ‘hax’ this is going to be a never ending thread. Ask anyone on the server, they will confirm it’s almost my catchphrase. The last line you highlighted was an answear to Kuha pointing out that the other team has you and since I was in the lead in that match, I think it was an appropriate joke, especially after you suggesting that you are a better player in your previous post. Stop being so oversensitive


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Do I have "moron" written on my forehead? It's like I'm talking to a 5-year old who stole candy and is now coming up with some of the dumbest excuses ever and thinks it's gonna work. You know exactly what you're doing, there was more than I just posted. If you wanna go on we can go on. If I did the same thing I would've apologized and the topic would've ended there (assuming I would've even tried something remotely close to that, since I hate cheating/cheaters with a passion), but since you're so butthurt about being called a cheater, then we can go on.

But hey there's some good news - I don't play this nearly as often as before you can also mock me behind my back like a proper high school girl ganging up on me with other daisies. It won't erase your cheating.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 17:21 by duke »


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Do I have "moron" written on my forehead?.
You might as well have. I’m not doing anything other than having the audacity to reply to a thread that ur keeping alive. I think I made a solid argument on how what I did was far from cheating, but some people just can’t be convinced otherwise. I still maintain that your vastly overexaggerating and if you want to continue making posts, be my guest, you’ve found your match


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No problem, cheater.  In the meantime I recommend you find a name for your high school girl gang that backs you up in the chat, you all look really cute together! : *

Also, I think you should check what "audacity" means instead of just copying it mindlessly after me to look smart.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 17:35 by duke »


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audacity = “rude or disrespectful behaviour; impudence”. I could have typed aUdAciTy again to make my sarcasm more obvious, but I assumed I didnt have to. I’m sorry if you are so overly sensitve, that ur taking anything I say as a personal attack, but it’s entertaining to see how your running out of arguments so the only thing you can result to are petty insults.


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Hahaha that's good. Pretty much calling me a moron while incorrectly using the word "audacity" (I can bet this thread was the first time you saw it in your life) in the very same post and then saying I'm running out of arguments when it backfires. Dude if you want to insult me at least do it properly.

"I’m not doing anything other than having the audacity to reply to a thread that ur keeping alive."

Didn't even notice "ur/your" until now, which is also wrong lmao. Never in a billion years have I seen the word "audacity" used in such context (as for referring to yourself) with 25+ years of learning English, but hey you learn something new every day lol. Next time maybe use words that you know and understand instead of senselessly copying someone else.

Oh and P.S. - you're still a cheater : * now go and giggle behind my back with your high school girl gang, you're really tough when having a 5 vs 1 advantage
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 18:01 by duke »


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Everyone knows Audacity is an audio editing software