Scoring system - How does it work?  (Read 11153 times)


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Scoring system - How does it work?
« on: November 17, 2024, 00:12 »
As per the title.

I took this screenshot during a match this evening.
The only difference in stat's I can see is that I have a one more flag touch, drop & return than *Lao, but I have 6 points less.

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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2024, 09:14 »
Flag touches and drops are meaningless. From all the people I would know where once every now and then I play a map where I touch the flag like 30-40 times, get maybe 1 or 2 caps and I'm not even in the top 3 in my team at the end LOL.

Lao has 2 returns to your 3, but the distance in flag return matters a lot. If you just return the flag which the flag carrier dropped instantly you maybe even get 0 points. If it's a "DENIED!" return then I think it's 10 or 15 points. Soma and Rounin especially are great at this, that's how they rack up their points quite often.

Also 1 frag doesn't equal 1 frag. If you kill the flag carrier you get more than 1 point (not sure, maybe 3? Depends on how far from your own base he/she is, others who checked this are welcomed to correct me). If you do a 2+ kill you could get more points too I think.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 09:20 by duke »


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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2024, 16:12 »
As per the title.

I took this screenshot during a match this evening.
The only difference in stat's I can see is that I have a one more flag touch, drop & return than *Lao, but I have 6 points less.

He probably killed some guy with your flag or returned a flag that was closer to the opponent's base

Defensive players tend to score more because there are more variables that favor the score for them. Many times I have 5 captures and the MVP of my team is some player who ignores the game and just kills anything that moves



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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2024, 13:54 »
Thank you for this.
I had a play about on the non-berserk server with a few bots, I've a better understanding of it now.
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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2024, 18:11 »
Thank you for this.
I had a play about on the non-berserk server with a few bots, I've a better understanding of it now.

So, how does it work Grim?


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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2024, 20:21 »
So, how does it work Grim?

I'm unsure if the other servers are configured the same, but in the non-berserk warfare server, the points awarded are:

15 per cap
  1 per kill
  3 per return

No doubt there are a stack of other variables to factor in, but the above is fine for me for now.
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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2024, 21:42 »
I don't know if that is everything from the standard code, however from custom code here you get some points for other things:

* vehicle drivers get assist points for the percentage of time the flag carrier was being carried.

* the equaliser code can be seen/extracted from Equalizer_TC_alpha4.u. It has logic for:

- rewarding flag carrier killers: function RewardFCKillers().
- rewarding a "seal" (Killed and Killer's FC are in Killer's Flag Zone) in function EvaluateKillingEvent().
- rewarding a "cover" (see below - defending their flag carrier) in function EvaluateKillingEvent().

Code: [Select]
                // if Killer's Team has had an FC
                // if the FC has Flag Right now
                // Defend kill
                // org: if victim can see the FC or is within 600 unreal units (approx 40 feet) and has a line of sight to FC.
                //if( Victim.canSee( FCs[KillerPRI.Team] ) || ( Victim.lineOfSightTo( FCs[KillerPRI.Team] ) && Distance( Victim.Location, FCs[KillerPRI.Team].Location ) < 600 ) )
                // new: Killed was within 512 uu(UT) of FC
                //      or Killer was within 512 uu(UT) of FC
                //      or Killed could see FC and was killed within 1536 uu(UT) of FC
                //      or Killer can see FC and killed Killed within 1024 uu(UT) of FC
                //      or Killed had direct line to FC and was killed within 768 uu(UT)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2024, 21:46 by Piglet »


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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2024, 22:31 »
Thank you, some great info there.  I'll have a further read through tomorrow.

Despite the mis-spelling, I'm quite liking this line :)

 /** Host with the capability of resovling Nations. */
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Re: Scoring system - How does it work?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2024, 23:42 »
So, how does it work Grim?

I'm unsure if the other servers are configured the same, but in the non-berserk warfare server, the points awarded are:

15 per cap
  1 per kill
  3 per return

No doubt there are a stack of other variables to factor in, but the above is fine for me for now.

15 per cap - for multi-person cap others get points too.
3 per cap - returning at the last moment just before cap also possibly gives more points.