KF-AedisPigmentum  (Read 44755 times)


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« on: June 27, 2011, 18:37 »

Aedis Pigmentum or Temple of Colors, is a big, colorful temple in the middle of the jungle of south america. It was built by an ancient culture which disappeared over 3000 years ago. Scientists and researchers were searching for the real meaning of the temple, but they couldn't figure it out... It seemed to be a kind of "nature sanctuary". Red stands for fire, blue stands for water and ice, green stands for plants, yellow stands for light, purple stands for darkness, orange is earth and turquoise is air. It was supposed to be a peaceful and beautiful place. And now it's filled with zombies. Now, that was predictable

Map: http://www.mediafire.com/?canjlj0bc2ca635
Song (Recommended): http://www.mediafire.com/?sp3gd271f2htbxm (Place in UT2004 -> KF -> Music)
Guide: http://www.mediafire.com/?j147knzrq428v7h

Info about map:
- Open map with many different colored platforms.
- 4 different spawns which make the map pretty hard
- 2 unweldable doors for extra platforms
- 1 Spawn is placed at the yellow platform to prevent people from camping ;D
- Song is from the game "Metroid Prime" for Nintendo Gamecube.

Known issues:
- Odd BSP brushes and emitter graphics could cause lag on some PCs.
- The song will NOT be automatically downloaded when you're on the server, so you'll have to download it manually. (See above)

Special thanks to Snipe who has spent his precious time to help me fixing my map and special thanks to Hicks who tested the Alpha-Version of this map earlier (kf-steelbox) and encouraged me to remake it. (somehow) xD

« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 15:57 by Vanico »


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 19:18 »
Actually looks pretty nice.

I'll try and play it later, busy right now...

I really like the music idea   :D
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 11:25 »
Hmm, nice simple map. Better than previous, btw 8)
In my opinion, zeds spawn is too slow - set canrespawntime to 5 at least. And pathing have bugs in some places...

Zeds encounter trouble with getting to player in that place. Sometimes 1 poor zed comes to you, but this is bad anyway. Here's many stairs in map and you should to know - all kind of stairs is a pain in ass for zeds.


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 12:37 »
Strange, I've already placed a forced path there....
But they usually continue when you kill the zed on the front. :D


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 13:41 »
But they usually continue when you kill the zed on the front.
Actually, not :D That problem actual for both ice stairs. Zeds get confused and don't understand how get player if he standing there.


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 14:34 »
That's some kind of exploit, I'll look at that later.

EDIT: You were right, I fixed it.
Still not perfect, but it's good now.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 15:06 by Vanico »


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 20:21 »
Can the door underneath the skull get unwelded? I can't see any value on it (pleas keep in mind the welder display is "broken" on my system)

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 20:49 »
The door underneath the skull has to be key unlocked.


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 23:51 »
The door underneath the skull has to be key unlocked.

The map is not quite complete.
That monolith in the centre, will you convert that to a static mesh, pls.  As I've mentioned not everyone has quad core or hi speed connections.  Also the other weird shapes, and probably the stairs...

The map area is big and open.  Almost everything can be seen at the same time.  Odd shaped bsp will make a lot of lag.

Convert that BSP into static meshes as per the instructions I gave you.
IE: select the blue lines of the object -hold ctrl to select more if there are many different sections-
With all the blue lines of the BSP construction selected > right click > convert > convert to Static Mesh:
Package: mylevel
GroupName: choose a name:
Name: choose a name.
In the names you choose: no spaces, no unusual symbols.  Meaning: use the basic U.S. alphabet.

Next: Open your static mesh browser.  Click the first scroll bar and scroll down to mylevel.  Then click on the static mesh you have just made.  Then right click in map to place the staticmesh.
Note: if you're converting something like stairs to staticmeshes, or something that zombies will die on top of, then, in your static mesh browser at the bottom you need to change the setting of that staticmesh:
UseSimpleKarmaCollision: False
UseSimpleBoxCollision: False

'False' will stop zombies falling thru the staticmesh when they die.

And when you exit UT it asks: do you want to save package0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever = ALWAYs, No.

Finally, delete all the blue lines of the bsp object you converted.  Rebuild so that in the 3d window, the bsp remains disappear.
---you must place static meshes from mylevel into your map, or they will have disappeared the next time you load your map---

I think my tutorials are improving... i hope!!  i usually miss the obvious (but important) shit out XD


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2011, 15:04 »
I didn't experience some a bad framerate, but ok: I have a dualcore CPU and 2 GB RAM.... maybe it will lag on slower computers...

However, I still didn't find the 2nd key - I hope you haven't forgotten to add it ;)

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2011, 16:12 »
Alright, I've converted the 2 great sunstairs, the obelisk and the sun to static meshes. :)
Also wanted to convert the whole ice platform, but since substracted volumes can't be converted to statics, I left it bsp...

@N3Cr0 I was wrong, the door underneath the skull is indeed unweldable. But the door behind the green platform is key locked. ;)

EDIT: Also I heard, that creating antiportals helps to prevent the map rendering everything behind it...
Do I need this in my map?

Here it is:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 16:38 by Vanico »


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2011, 16:48 »
Also wanted to convert the whole ice platform, but since substracted volumes can't be converted to statics, I left it bsp...

I guess, what you could do is make a large red brush that covers the whole ice platform area, use the intersect/deintersect tools to copy the whole thing, then add the shape again and convert that to a static mesh. Idk if that'll work, though, but consider.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2011, 00:24 »
Alright, I've converted the 2 great sunstairs, the obelisk and the sun to static meshes. :)
Also wanted to convert the whole ice platform, but since substracted volumes can't be converted to statics, I left it bsp...

@N3Cr0 I was wrong, the door underneath the skull is indeed unweldable. But the door behind the green platform is key locked. ;)

EDIT: Also I heard, that creating antiportals helps to prevent the map rendering everything behind it...
Do I need this in my map?

Here it is:

Sry about this xd   The big blue box in corner would good as a static mesh.
And I don't understand why you have those subtracted boxes in a subtracted area (around the ice area)??

In your large open map, properly placed ZonePortals would hep.

The UDN pages don't seem to say avoid placing zps facing large open areas.  The idea of a zp: the cpu ignores that area until the player gets near it.  So place zp faces in small areas away from large areas.

Antiportals are mainly for inside terrain or large staticmeshes.   Terrain does not block CPU view, and neither do staticmeshes.  That means, what is behind a staticmesh or terrain can still be seen by the players' CPU.  An antiportal will stop that CPU processing... because with antiportal there, it sees nothing behind the terrain/mesh.
Make sure players cannot touch the antiportal... EG: bad effect in HappyHour when player camera is with patty at the road spawn: the player inside the antiportal.
Note that many small antiportals can be counter productive - the cpu figuring out what is hidden and is not.  ZPs can also be counterproductive if they are badly placed.


other than technical stuff - the map looks fine!


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2011, 20:14 »
A little update.

* Fixed Waypoints
* New platform
* Reduced cash


Just replace the current one.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 15:48 by Vanico »


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Re: KF-AedisPigmentum
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2011, 21:37 »
A little update.

* Fixed Waypoints
* New platform
* Reduced cash


Just replace the current one.

I uploaded your revision!

And the special KF medal for being a mapper!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 23:08 by Snipe34 »